Automation Technology

Temperature Instruments

There is surely hardly any more important measurement parameter than temperature. We are confronted with it on a daily basis and most people have individual preferences as to what exactly the right temperature is in specific situations. And this is where the greatest problem actually lies: people only feel temperature. However, temperature measuring instruments have to be used for objective and comparable results.
Depending on the specific application, you will find different thermometers, temperature meters or digital thermometers Thermocouples, RTD’s, Thermo wells assemblies all in a wide variety of materials, lengths and diameters to meet your particular application conditions including: temperature, mechanical strength, corrosion, atmosphere, dry or liquid immersion; velocity of measured medium and length of service are all available at Automation Technology.
Temperature measuring instruments in use

Application for Temperature

The fields of application for temperature meters, digital thermometers and temperature measuring instruments are very varied. Here are just the most important ones:
Temperature monitoring of food transportation
Spot checking of food
Measuring the temperature in the centre of flue gas flow in chimneys/flue gas ducts
Measurement of different air temperatures
Surface measurement for checking the pre-heating temperature when welding
Immersion measurement in chemical solutions for maintaining temperatures during etching processes